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Andrea Matei's writing debut is the Children's Photo Book Mini Series "Little Girl, Big Imagination".
“Little Girl, Big Imagination” is a Children's Photo Book Mini Series, following Gabi's (main character) everyday life and activities and taking the reader through the adventures that the little girl is living in her own head, courtesy of her big imagination.
The book series is built on the original mini web series of short dance films that feature the author's little sister Gabriela Matei and was created as an artistic outlet, with the objective to give fellow dancers an opportunity to perform on camera and to encourage little kids to pursue the art of movement. At the age of 13, Andrea decided to turn this project into a Children's Photo Book Series, to help cultivate the love of reading in young children by using the same real life pictures of the same real life characters in real life situations, showing how those can take an entire life of their own in a little girl's head.
The books are geared towards the pre-school and early elementary school children 4 - 8 years old, meant to support their reading and help develop a healthy imagination. The stories are about exploring and enjoying the world around us in an artistic and creative way. The real life pictures as well as the accompanying short films help with the visualization of the story and can be a useful tool for parents and teachers to help the young readers interpret, analyze and summarize the text.
The text itself is easy to read, using simple, age appropriate vocabulary, in a repetitive pattern, to help the young readers better absorb the content and follow through with their reading.
The series features Gabi, as a real-life character, using real life pictures taken in real life situations, aiming to make the stories more relatable to the young audience and the reading more enticing.